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Artigos em Língua Estrangeira

v. 23 n. 130 (2021)

Environmental protection and urban environment in the International Courts of Human Rights

15 fevereiro 2019


This article is about the relationship between environmental protection and Human Rights. The right to a healthy environment is causally related to the right of life, particularly the quality of life. The environmental rights have been analyzed in an indirect and reflexive way in national systems for the protection of Human Rights. By contrast this study aim to analyze the urban environmental rights based on the jurisprudence of the Inter-American and European Human Rights Systems. In the methodological context, the analysis was based on the theory and international legislation of these regional environmental systems, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and the European Court of Human Rights on the urban environment. Finally, this article seeks to analyze the European Court contributions to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, in terms of expanding the urban environmental protection.


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